Marc has always been interested in science fiction, space exploration and the global environment. But Science fiction will always be Marc’s favourite interest as it’s a journey of discovery into tomorrow’s world, where fantasy becomes reality on the distant alien worlds that span the cosmos.
Science fiction books
Marc has spent his life reading science fiction and espionage thrillers for pleasure. Arthur C Clarke epic “2001” and “Rendezvous with Rama”, are some of his favourite novels and some of the greatest books of all time. All of these science fiction books dealt with an alien encounter inside our solar system with an alien intelligence that humanity simply couldn’t understand. But if you look into the night sky, you can see thousands, millions of stars that are tens or hundreds of light-years away from the earth. But you’ll open your mind and think about the possibilities of distant alien races searching for the signs of intelligence from distant worlds, maybe there even watching us. Astronomers have estimated that there are over 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way Galaxy alone and that includes our own Sun.
In 1961, Frank Drake estimated that there could be anywhere between 1000 and 100,000,00 civilizations in the Milky Way. Astronomers analyzing the Kepler space mission data in 2013 estimated that there could be 40billion earth-sized planets in the Milky Way. Maybe, we are not alone in the cosmos. Great sci-fi books are designed to make you think about the possibilities of tomorrows world. Where will first contact take place and how? Has it already happened out there amongst the stars, or has it already happened somewhere on earth? How would it change humanity, our culture, society and destiny. Marc is a member of the British Science Fiction Association.
Space Exploration Interest
The idea of going into space has always appealed to Marc as it would be the ultimate voyage of discovery. But if you look at the space industry today, it’s not the national governments leading the charge back into space. Its private companies like SpaceX, which are the future of space exploration, in the same way, the early aviation pioneers like Louis Bleriot, and William E Boeing started the aviation industry.
Humanity has to become a multi-planetary society for it to survive. At some point in the distant future, the earth-sun will vanish in a fiery death, a Supernova. But on that day in the far distant future, the home of Shakespeare’s, Dickins, Einstein, Asimov and Mozart will vanish in a blaze of celestial fire that could destroy the solar system. Humanity has to reach for the stars and set up colonies across the cosmos, humanity has to evolve. Space exploration is the human races final destination on a journey that started approximately 70,000 to 100,000 years ago when the first modern humans left Africa and started to explore the world.
Marc’s previous professional career was in the high technology sector. In this sector, Marc supported various new aviation, medical and aerospace programs around the world. Marc has always been interested in space technology and deep space exploration. Over the years, he has studied spacecraft design, new materials and propulsion systems including fusion drive. His other space science interests include planetary science, astronomy and cosmology. But Marc is a member of the British Interplanetary Society (BIS) and the National Space Society (NSS).
Environmental Interest
Marc has had a lifelong interest in protecting our environment. He has invested in his own home to make it as green as possible. But in Marc’s global adventures, he has seen the impacts of climate change on the world. Marc has lived through extreme flooding in his home country and has witnessed the effects of deforestation in Asia. But everyone needs to look after our planet and help to protect our planet. We all have to reduce our emissions to protect future generations against climate change. Marc has many environmental interests and supports many different groups including Ecologi, World Land Trust and Trees for life.
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