A single word is one of humanity’s great achievements, its a component of language whether its written, spoken or sung. Specific words allow us to communicate, educate, love and create stories that will last for millennia. Words can describe our history, our present and our future. We all know the right words to say hello in the dozens of different global languages that span this wonderful planet. Whereas, a single word can describe the beauties of birth, the happiness in life and the painful loss in death.
All words have meaning, as the wrong words can start a war and destroy humanity’s dreams. Whereas the right words can start peace, a peace that will hopefully last forever. Words of hope, compassion, trust and honesty can bring people together as words don’t recognise borders. Words don’t need a ticket or passport as the right message can travel the world at the speed of sound.
The greatest gift we can give to humanity is the word. As the words of today will become tomorrow’s history as once they’ve been created, they can never be erased, wiped out or destroyed. Those words and their meaning will stay in our hearts and minds forever as once they`ve been shared, those words will spread like wildfire. All of these words started with a single event, a single idea, a single thought that created the very first word long, long ago and that’s what’s special about the power of a single word.